USA: Several web sites report
on pipes from USA archeological sites. These include links to several
pages showing early pipes found at Jamestown
(J2, J3).
Other illustrated early pipe finds are from Plimoth
Plantation Sites. Pipes are also illustrated in “The Treasures
of the Steamboat Arabia”.
Additional pipe information is available in the Pottery Industries
in East Liverpool
Area 1860-1869. A historical overview of the early industry in Akron,
Ohio includes extensive information about local pipe production.
Bibliographies: The USA on-line literature
also contains a number of historic archaeology bibliographic sites
with entries of interest to the pipe reseacher, such as the Bibliography
of Historic Archeology issued by Jamestown.
John Cotter prepared a massive “Bibliography of Historical
Archaeology in North American, North of Mexico” which is presented
in several sections. A two-section Historic Archaeology Addendum
to Cotters bibliography was updated in November 2002; the A-M
section and the N-Z
section. Paul Huey has assembled a bibliography related to Old
World Dutch Trade materials. Among the many bibliographies that
Smoke Pfeiffer has compiled is a very useful Fur
Trade bibliography. Smoke also prepared the 1998 Directory
of Archaeological Societies and Newsletters. For one needing
more information, there is actually a list of available online
archaeological bibliographies: For the final entry, there is
an excellent North Carolina site which is comprised entirely of
archaeological links.
Robin Smith has posted a site which contains details of the Montreal
Clay Tobacco Pipe Industry. Robin has also posted an excellent study
of the Bannerman
firm. Superb photos of early pipe makers marks are among the offerings
on the materials excavated from the colony of Avalon,
Newfoundland. A web site with brief mention of pipes from Halifax,
Nova Scotia is also accessible.